Gemeinsam achtsam ins Jahr 25
Veränderung alleine ist schwierig, deshalb schaffen wir eine Community mit monatlichen Treffen - wie ein Retreat, aber besser! Denn wahres Wachstum ist ein Prozess. Mit Input aus Ayurveda, Yoga, moderner Somatic Practice uvm. erweitern wir deine Toolkiste, dein Wissen und deine Erfahrungen - für mehr Wohlbefinden, Authentizität und Verbundenheit.
Gemeinsam achtsam ins Jahr 25
Veränderung alleine ist schwierig, deshalb schaffen wir eine Community mit monatlichen Treffen - wie ein Retreat, aber besser! Denn wahres Wachstum ist ein Prozess. Mit Input aus Ayurveda, Yoga, moderner Somatic Practice uvm. erweitern wir deine Toolkiste, dein Wissen und deine Erfahrungen - für mehr Wohlbefinden, Authentizität und Verbundenheit.
Neugierig geworden? Stay Tuned via Whatsapp oder schreibe mir eine kurze Nachricht, wenn du lieber persönlich in Kontakt bist.
Slowly but surely, we're getting there!
Starting this project is one of the best and adventurous things we did so far. It is from time to time overwhelming and everything still figuring itself out - also the website. So stay tuned!
We strongly believe that it is time for all of us, to take responsibility on how we want to live our lifes and spend our time. We believe that what you share with pure joy, what you create in freedom and in your own pace, enjoying the process wholeheartedly and share it with sparkling eyes is for what you were made for. We want to create spaces for all of us to (re-)connect - with ourselves and others.
ĜUO [EO for Enjoyment] - what life should be about?
In the collective we want to share with you, what we can do best and what we reeeeally enjoy sharing and doing: manufacturing high quality cloths & accesoires, hosting Dinners, teaching yoga classes, sharing the healing wisdom of oils and so on..!
We want to create spaces in which we all can (re-)connect both with ourselves and others - through movement & breath in Yoga, over good food at the Supper Club or through soothing ourselves with nice fabrics & cosmetics.
It kind of feels, as if we are still in labour with this - so let's be pacient and go with the flow. We want to find out, what our contribution to the world is & we are aware of the naivity and boldness that underlies this whole thing. But maybe the time is right to be naive and bold... and also loving and caring and shy and loud and quiet and vulnerable - let's just meet in authenticity again, let's forget all the lies the old world told us and start creating ours!
If you are interested in this project or you want to collab - just mail us anytime or subscribe to our Newsletter!
Call to action
Mauris rhoncus orci in imperdiet placerat. Vestibulum euismod nisl suscipit ligula volutpat a feugiat urna. Maecenas malesuada elit lectus felis, malesuada ultricies dapibus mauris velit.
Feugiat urna
Vivamus in turpis. In condimentum maximus tristique. Maecenas non laoreet.